Tiny Quest (C64)

Tiny Quest (Digital Monastery) $2.99 USD (digital) / £10 (Tape) / £24.99 (Disk) / £32 (Cart)

Game title: Tiny Quest

Game description: Tiny Quest is a fast paced flick screen platform game that sees you take control of Mr. Cube in his quest to safely traverse across the other side of the world in order to meet up with his girlfriend. But his quest is not going to be easy as the path ahead is filled with many hazards, obstacles and dangerous creatures. The objective of each of the game’s single screen levels is simple – you start left on screen and you need to get to the exit sign situated on the right side, picking up the spinning coin on the way. A level can not be completed without collecting the coin as this activates the exits sign. If you think that Tiny Quest is a game that you can get through by taking your time to study the enemy patterns and platform locations before making a move then you are grossly mistaken. Each level contains an energy timer that counts down very quickly, providing only about 8 to 10 seconds for you to get Mr. Cube to the exit sign. Failing to get to safety in time will result in a loss of one of your five lives. Coming into contact with traps and enemy characters or falling into pits will also result in a loss of life. From time to time, you will come across red mushrooms. Jumping into these will take you to hidden screens that provide you with a reward. With every fifteen screens you complete, you are provided with a password (a combination of directional pushes on the joystick) that acts as checkpoints and allow you to continue your quest after each Game Over. But note that these passwords only last for the current play session and reset when you reload the game. Get through all 60 screen levels and you will finally get to see your love and you ready to take her home with you…but only if you’ve collected a special item during your journey.

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  • Graphics - 90%
  • Sound - 70%
  • Fun - 90%
  • Depth - 80%

Review Opinion

Tiny Quest is a wonderful example of a twitch-style arcade game with simple but highly addictive gameplay. Mr. Cube moves fluidly around the screen at a good pace as you desperately try to guide him across to the spinning coin and then on to the exit before his fast reducing energy bar disappears. When you find yourself on a roll and are screaming through the screens, the game feels exhilarating to play. When you come across a screen that feels impossible to get through – there was never an urge to give up as the drive to replay the level over and over again until it was conquered was strong. I really do like the art style adopted for the graphics and adds so much to the game’s overall charm. So many times I found myself running out of energy simply because I stopped to appreciate how the screen looked. The in-game music is a pleasant tune that fits in with the theme of going on a journey, even though I found it to be a little bit more suitable to a game set within an Egyptian setting. Tiny Quest is a fun but challenging game that is sure to have you on the edge of your seat as you play it and if you like fast paced arcade games then its hard to go past Tiny Quest.

User Review
3.5 (4 votes)


  • Graphic art style
  • Tight controls
  • Password system
  • Easy to play, hard to master



  • Hit detection can be a little off at times

Video Linked Included

Additional buy links
Tiny Quest (cassette or disk): https://www.bitmapsoft.co.uk
Tiny Quest (cartridge): https://rgcd.bigcartel.com

2 thoughts on “Tiny Quest (C64)

  1. Loved this game. Agree with all points made in the review. Couldn’t put the game down. The decision to make the password only last for a single game session was interesting. I suspect it was added to add longevity to the game but for me it had the opposite effect. I almost felt compelled to finish it in one sitting. I enjoyed my time with it and never felt it outstayed its welcome. However if the password was fixed then I think I would have played 10 or 15 levels and put it down until the next day (and therefore made the experience last longer). The controls seemed great to me and had no issue with the collisions (other than them being generous).
    My only (minor) complaint is that I’d have loved more levels and that the last few are fairly simple (we’re probably just spoilt with the like of Millie and Molly’s 100 levels).

    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed it…I sense its going to be an underappreciated game. Now that you pointed out the session based password system I agree. It does go a little against longevity. Thanks for taking the time to provide your thoughts

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