Delve Deeper (C64)

Delve Deeper (grifochan) Free

Game title: Delve Deeper

Game description: Delve Deeper is described as a roguelike dungeon crawler. However, the game is not your standard dungeon exploration style of game as you don’t walk around in a maze or labyrinth style game world but rather you move down level with each having something to do whether it be combat, or searching or even talking to some of the underground inhabitants to obtain some clues. Combat is straightforward with three different attacks on offer, each one with their own implications as to the damage that you either inflict or sustain. Delve Deeper features randomly generated room, 3 different difficulty levels and multiple boss monsters.

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  • Production - 70%
  • Fun - 72%
  • Depth - 65%


I was initially disappointed to realise that Delve Deeper wasn’t really a rogue type of game but all credit to the coder for deviating from the standard template for such games as once I set this aside I started enjoying moving my way down levels talking to various creatures, uncovering prized possessions and working with the combat system. The menu system implemented to select your actions is intuitive and easy to use and I enjoyed the variation to the screens on offer. But, I couldn’t help but feel that I was not quite in control of the action taking place on my screen. It felt like everything was more due to a chance of luck rather than any strategy on my behalf…it is this feeling of disconnect that stops me from fully praising what would otherwise be a high quality game.

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  • Easy to pick up and play
  • Random generated levels
  • Customised game settings


  • Not really a rogue style of game
  • Progress feels like more a thing of luck rather than skill

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