Crusin’ For A Brusin’ (C64)

Crusin' For A Brusin' (Megastyle) Free

Game title: Crusin' For A Brusin'

Game description: Jump from platform to platform and collect the colors Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and Purple to score points. The more you collect on each platform, the more points you score. The amount of colors you pick up will be multiplied with the number listed on the score bar. When you have collected all the 5 different colors, this number will rise. Avoid the Grey plattforms, landing on these plattforms could be lethal as they are broken. If you fall to the ground your car will explode Pick up the hitchhiker to gain 50 points. Beware: If you jump and land on the hitchhiker he dies, and no points is scored.

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  • Production - 65%
  • Fun - 60%
  • Depth - 30%


The Megastyle team excels at single button games on the Commodore 64 and Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’ is no exception. It is well executed but this genre of game style is ultimately limited to being nothing more than high score chasers that is fine for a party game environment but in single player mode is only good enough for a one time play. In game graphics are a little lacking as I would expect multi-colour to be the design choice to adapt for this style of game to provide something more stimulating to the player and I did often get frustrated when the randomly generated platforms where placed in impossible distances. The stand out of the game is the sublime SID rendition of Royal Republic’s ‘Getting Along’ – without it the game would score much lower.

User Review
1.33 (3 votes)


  • Fantastic SID rendition of ‘Getting Along’ by Royal Republic
  • Easy to play


  • Not much depth to the game
  • Sometimes platforms are impossible to reach
  • Presentation is a little drab

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