Vampire Vengeance (C64)

Vampire Vengeance (Patagonia) Free

Game title: Vampire Vengeance

Game description: Vampire Vengeance is a multi-level single screen platform game ported across from the ZX Spectrum that sees you take on the role of Count Orlack - a vampire looking for vengeance years after being attacked by the Knights of the Silver Cross. Containing 30 levels spread across 4 different acts, your objective is to kill all the enemy on screen before exiting a level. You Count character can turn into a vampire bat form and fly around to reach various parts of the game screen but it is only in his Count form that Orlack can attack and kill. You will come across relics that can be collected and the game has two different endings depending on whether you are able to collect all 10 relics.

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  • Production - 73%
  • Fun - 70%
  • Depth - 75%


Vampire Vengeance is a solid port of the original ZX Spectrum title. The game’s use of detailed hi-res graphics allows it to stand apart from many other C64 games (even though not everyone will be a fan of the graphic style) and the use of Acts to progress the game narrative is well implemented, especially when you come across additional enemy types as it makes the game play feel progressive.

The ability to transform between Count and Vampire Bat adds some depth to a game that would otherwise be just a standard platformer and I like how you will typically have to time your attacks from behind for enemies with weapons.

However, the game’s difficulty curve is on the high side due to levels resetting when you do die and there is a degree of having to learn enemy patterns with a bit of trial and error as to when you should attack. To some extent, a game checkpoint or save feature would help overcome this but unfortunately such a feature does not exist.

If you are willing to get past the difficulty curve or perhaps you relish the challenge on offer then there is no denying there is a good degree of quality with Vampire Vengeance that successfully differentiates itself from the myriad of other single screen platforms.

User Review
3 (1 vote)


  • Detailed Hi-res characters
  • Good use of dual character play modes
  • 30 levels separated across 4 acts
  • Relic collection mechanic that determines ending


  • High difficulty curve
  • Level resets when you die
  • No save game or check points

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