The Great Giana PETSCII Sisters (C64)

The Great Giana PETSCII Sisters (Vintage Computing Carinthia) Free

Game title: The Great Giana PETSCII Sisters

Game description: Four shortened levels of The Great Giana Sisters represented visually using PETSCII graphics. Get to the end of each level navigating platforms and collecting diamonds along the way without falling into hazards or hitting enemy creatures and do this before the timer expires.

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  • Production - 80%
  • Fun - 65%
  • Depth - 55%


The Great Giana PETSCII Sisters is a nice little distraction game that manages to harness the spirit of the original title within its restricted game environment.

The PETSCII graphics have been implement very well and the game is able to move about quite well. The music soundtrack is quite good and superior to the original.

There are only four levels on offer which are somewhat short and some of the hit detection is a little buggy (like not being able to collect diamonds) but this should not take away from the fact that the game is fun to play through and provides enough of a challenge to have you playing for a little while.

A very good adaptation and far more interesting than doing a straight enhancement project. Good job!

User Review
2.6 (5 votes)


  • Good implementation of PETSCII art
  • Charming music soundtrack
  • Provides nice little challenge


  • Only four levels available
  • Game play feels cramped
  • Minor hit detection bugs

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