Reshoot R (Commodore Amiga)

  • Graphics - %
  • Sound - %
  • Fun - %
  • Depth - %


A wonderfully polished arcade shooter that sets a benchmark for all other upcoming commercial Amiga titles when it comes to overall production values.

User Review
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When asked to come up with a list of arcade quality shoot’em ups on the Amiga, most will struggle to cite any games beyond Xenon, Hybris and perhaps Project X. Well, Richard Lowenstein from spieleschreiber has made a strong case to have his latest creation, Reshoot R added to this list.

Reshoot R is a horizontal shooter that looks and feels like a commercial grade game with its high production values. The graphics are quite attractive, the pumping music soundtrack and sound effects are pleasurable to the ears and there is a sophistication with the way the game moves in most part as a steady mind is just as integral as fast reflexes when it comes to progressing through the game.

Reshoot R only gives you one life. But as you collect speed and weapon power ups, not only does it enhance your ship capabilities but it allows you to take multiple hits.  The more power up collected, the more hits you can sustain as each hit decrementally knocks down your power up counter. This works quite well and ensure that you feel like you are playing something more than an endless shooter.

The shooting mechanism feels very good. Shooting complete attack waves will result in a bonus and blasting a large asteroid is quite satisfying. 

Despite the fun arcade experience on offer, the first couple of levels feel a little repetitive when it comes to enemy waves. What is offered is good but you are kind of left wanting to see a little bit more after progressing through the first few minutes of the game rather than seeing the same enemies attack you time after time. As you move into the third level, the game kicks it up a notch on all levels. It starts to feel fresh and it’s hard not to be impressed with all the colours available on screen.

But perhaps the game’s most notable failing is its entry price point. The digital release of Reshoot R is priced at just under 30 Euros, and while the game is undoubtedly a very good release, the gaming experience on offer falls short at this price point and has detracted many from giving it a go. That’s a pity because its a game that deserves a broader audience.

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