Inca Man (Amiten Games) Digital: Name Your Own Price

Game title: Inca Man
Game description: Inca Man is a multi-level single screen platform game where we guide Inca Man around collecting all the gems on screen while avoiding the nasties who are out to do us harm. Once you collect all the gems, a key is revealed that needs to be picked up before heading for the exit. You can collect bonuses such as armour, extra lives and time freeze to help you with your objective. When you complete a level, you are given a password which allows you to restart the game at a later time without having to replay the levels you have completed. The game contains 30 levels and 9 different enemy types.
Production - 80%
Fun - 75%
Depth - 60%
Inca Man is a very easy game to get into that is somewhat fun to play through. Production values are quite good with the single screen arcade action backed up with some great music soundtrack.
There isn’t much progression to the actual game play on offer but as the game only has 30 levels it doesn’t outstay its welcome. The inclusion of a password system to ‘save’ progress is a good addition and gives most players an opportunity to complete the game.
This is a nice little arcade game that is a good addition to the Amiga library.
72%User Review
( vote)Pros
- Easy to pick up and play
- Password system
- Music soundtrack
- Game play lacks variety
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