Nixy and the Seeds of Doom (C64)

Nixy and the Seeds of Doom (Halo / Andy Johns) Free

Game title: Nixy and the Seeds of Doom

Game description: Nixy and the Seeds of Doom is a flick screen platform game where you take control of Nixy as she heads out on a new quest to find the source of the corruption threatening her home in the Glade. Explore mysterious caverns and crumbling castle ruins while avoiding ghouls, knights and other obstacles as she searches for clues and allies to aid her in her quest. Find multiple switches that unlock the gates blocking your progress, make your way to the Tower and then head back on down to locate all the seeds so that they can be cleansed.

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  • Production - 93%
  • Fun - 75%
  • Depth - 81%


Fans of the previous Nixy game will be quite satisfied with this instalment of the franchise. As you start off, there is very little guidance as to what you need to be doing. But as you delve deeper into the game world, the in-game hint system kicks in and you start to get a sense of your immediate focus, the first of which is to get to the top of the Tower.

Exploring the mysterious caverns and castle ruins is engaging from the outset, thanks to its highly attractive hires graphics that is backed up with plenty of neat animation effects throughout and suitably atmospheric SID soundtrack. The control mechanism is spot on and very responsive.

The game world in its entirety is not overly large which is fortunate as the game does require you to go back and forth across the same screens a few times in order to complete your objectives. If you need help navigating your way around – there is an in game map that is presented in the most clear fashion but is serviceable nevertheless.

If there is anything that lets the game down a little is that the game relies way too much on disappearing platforms to provide a challenge and as a result can feel a little repetitive. Despite this, I enjoyed Nixy and the Seeds of Doom. It is a very well coded game that exudes a good amount of charm and the drive to uncover the source of the corruption is strong. 

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  • Superb hi-res graphics and animations
  • Atmospheric SID soundtrack
  • Tight controls
  • Auto map
  • In game hint system


  • Can feel a little repetitive
  • Game world is small

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