Dr. Dangerous: Secrets of the Temple of Xol’Tan (Amiga)

Dr. Dangerous: Secrets of the Temple of Xol'Tan (HooGames) Free

Game title: Dr. Dangerous: Secrets of the Temple of Xol'Tan

Game description: Dr. Dangerous: Secrets of the Temple of Xol'Tan is a puzzle platformer. The game follows Dr. Victor Dangerous, a scientist and adventurer exploring the ancient Temple of Xol'Tan in the Amazon jungle. After a lightning strike disrupts his research station, Dr. Dangerous is trapped in the temple's depths, facing hostile creatures and ancient security systems. His mission is to find scattered batteries to restore power and deactivate the temple's defenses, uncovering its secrets along the way. The game features classic platforming tropes where you navigate through levels filled with traps, enemies, and puzzles. Players must collect a specific number of batteries to progress, with each level increasing in difficulty. The game comprises over 20 levels, culminating in a final boss fight.

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  • Production - 83%
  • Fun - 76%
  • Depth - 79%


Dr. Dangerous is a polish piece of production boasting attractive pixel art graphics, bringing the temple’s environment to life with vibrant colours and smooth animations. The soundtrack is strong and complements the gameplay, enhancing the immersive experience.

The game’s casual mix of platform and puzzle initially had me hooked. I liked that you had to be careful with how and when you used your limited gun ammo and that you had to think ahead as to which path to take first in order to avoid being stuck in a ‘deadend’ situation. But as I started getting into the later levels, things started to lose their shine as the puzzle element within the game starts to become diluted in as it feels like there is a great reliance on timing of movements at the cost of the strategic play.

A loss of a life results in you starting from the beginning of a level – which initially does not pose a problem as the levels don’t start out to large but as you progress into the later longer levels it does make things feel a little tedious.

Despite not being able to sustain the initial design premise that made the game highly engaging at the start, Dr. Dangerous still delivers a quality and enjoyable gaming experience for the Commodore Amiga.

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  • Great pixel art style
  • Responsive controls
  • Atmospheric in game music
  • Initial casual mix of strategy and platforming


  • Later levels lose their initial design mix
  • All levels kind of look the same
  • No save or password system

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