OOParts (C64)

OOParts (Patagonia) 2 Euros

Game title: OOParts

Game description: You play the role of a musician who has been taken captive and you need to find your way out by locating the Amulet of the Depths. Some levels require you to collect the musical item so that you can get into a power up state that allows you to eliminate all enemies, which then reveals the key to the exit, while other levels simply require you to avoid enemies and escape the screen. There are 31 levels in total.

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  • Production - 68%
  • Fun - 45%
  • Depth - 68%


OOParts has the potential to be quite an engaging game but its difficulty setting  just spoils any potential fun that can be had. I like the idea of having limited time when a power up is collected to kill an enemy as you have time everything correctly but the time you have to do this will often be quite short or if you mistime a jump you miss out on the opportunity to do so, leaving you with no option but to lose a life in order to retry as there is only one power up per level and they do not re-spawn. Further thought needs to be given to the level designs. The game is somewhat unique looking with its double sized sprites but this just makes everything feel cramped and the controls are not as responsive as they need to be for a game of this type. And given the premise of the game is that you play a musician, I found it odd to see that the game does not contain in game music. I applaud the effort to produce something unique looking but the execution leaves me feeling flat.

User Review
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  • Double size sprites
  • The power up idea is a good one but…


  • …it’s poorly implemented
  • Difficulty curve is set way too high
  • Controls are not responsive
  • No in game music

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